🚢 Ahoy there, Savas speaking (or writing to be precise)!
I am doing tech… mostly! And some management, leadership, business and a lot of other stuff. A jack-of-all-trades or master of chaos if you will. ☕ By day, I am juggling projects and make software, listen to clients and drink coffee. ⌨️ By night, a keyboard cowboy, committing code and ranting about interesting tech news I read about.
This collects my opinionated thoughts about agile, cloud, ai and all the fancy buzzword bingo. No matter if Scrum or Rust, Agile or Cloud, LLMs or IoT… I have seen a lot and I do have an opinion about everything ^^ As there is not “the solution”, things are non-deterministic. Therefore, I just provide another view.
Enjoy, if you will 😅
And if you like to listen, you may check my podcast 🎙️#codebarn (german only). Or check out our work.